
Company name / Name
Hallmarknet Kft. (Ltd.)
Bem József str. 9. (The address is a company headquarters, not a jewellery store.), Budapest, H-1027, Hungary
Phone number
+36 20 954 9822
Shop name
Hallmark Webshop
Tax number
EU VAT number
Company registration number
Company court
Budapest Metropolitan Court of Registration
Bank account number
HU35 1091 8001 0000 0105 4901 0008
Contact person name
Hallmarknet Kft. (Ltd.)
Contact person´s phone number
+36 20/954-9822
Contact person´s e-mail address
BFKH (MKEH-NEHITI) Hungarian precious metal trade license no.
The minimum order amount is
Gross 7.58 €
Shipping methods
GLS Courier Service - Cash on Delivery (COD)
In Hungary
Three attempts of delivery, payment possible via cash or credit cards.
E-mail notification, including the phone numbers of the courier and GLS customer service department, amount of collect on delivery, expected delivery time (3 hours interval).
The receiver may decide on changing the delivery address and timeframe, even to GLS ParcelShop.
In the morning of delivery, sms notice with the package ID number, the expected delivery timeframe (3 hours interval), amount of collect on delivery as well as the phone number of courier.
Shipping cost: 6.03
GLS Courier Service - Prepayment
In Hungary.
Shipping cost: 5.12
GLS ParcelShop - Cash on Delivery (COD)
A GLS a címzettet sms-ben tájékoztatja, ha a csomag megérkezett a kiválasztott GLS CsomagPontba.
A küldemény átvételére személyazonosság igazolásával 5 munkap áll rendelkezésre.
Utánvét fizetés minden helyen lehetséges, több üzletben bankkártyával is.
A második és negyedik napon ismételt értesítőt (e-mail) küld a GLS, ha az áru még a GLS CsomagPontban van.
Shipping cost: 4.52
GLS ParcelShop - Prepayment
A GLS a címzettet sms-ben tájékoztatja, ha a csomag megérkezett a kiválasztott GLS CsomagPontba.
A küldemény átvételére személyazonosság igazolásával 5 munkap áll rendelkezésre.
A második és negyedik napon ismételt értesítőt (e-mail) küld a GLS, ha az áru még a GLS CsomagPontban van.
Shipping cost: 3.61
GLS courier service - EU ZONE 1
In Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, GLS or its local partner service delivers to the specified address (residential address, workplace, etc.) within 1-2 working days from
the date of dispatch (not a time-guaranteed service).
- Trackable
- Flexible delivery, e-mail notification
Shipping cost: 18.18
GLS courier service - EU ZONE 2
In Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, GLS or its local partner service delivers to the specified address (home address, workplace, etc.) within 2-3 working days from the date of dispatch (not a time-guaranteed service).
- Trackable
- Flexible delivery, e-mail notification
Shipping cost: 18.79
GLS courier service - EU ZONE 3
In Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, GLS or its local partner service delivers to the specified address (home address, workplace, etc.) within 3-5 working days from the date of dispatch (not a time-guaranteed service).
- Trackable
- Flexible delivery, e-mail notification
Shipping cost: 29.39
GLS courier service - EU ZONE 4
In Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, GLS or its local partner service delivers to the specified address (home address, workplace, etc.) within 4-7 working days from the date of dispatch (not a time-guaranteed service).
- Trackable
- Flexible delivery, e-mail notification
Shipping cost: 32.42
Via Post - Prepayment, Registered, Prioritaire
After payment in Hungary 1-2 workdays.
Total product weight
Shipping cost
0  kg
0.04  kg
3.79 €
0.05  kg
0.49  kg
6.06 €
0.5  kg
1.99  kg
12.42 €
2  kg
Available Free of Charge!
Via Post to Europe - Prepayment, Registered, Prioritaire
Delivery via Post registered, prioritaire, after payment to Europe about 3-5 workdays.
In the case of non-EU member states, customs clearance must be expected!
Total product weight
Shipping cost
0  kg
0.04  kg
11.97 €
0.05  kg
0.49  kg
18.33 €
0.5  kg
1.99  kg
36.61 €
2  kg
Available Free of Charge!
Payment methods
After checking your order we will send the paypal link by email.
Please pay within 2 business days!

The fastest and easiest method to make payment for orders under $1,000 USD.

Card types: Visa, MasterCard (EC/MC), Discover, American Express
After checking your order we will send the paypal link by email.
Please pay within 2 business days!

The fastest and easiest method to make payment for orders under $1,000 USD.

Card types: Visa, MasterCard (EC/MC), Discover, American Express
Send an email to owner of the Webshop
Email address
Phone number

We do not maintain a retail store (jewellery store), we only sell online!